The UPDATE – January 5, 2018

January 5, 2018
Be Sure To Read The Entire UPDATE. Items Are In No Particular Order.

New Forms
Reminder, there are new forms in the marketplace found in under FormSimplicity as well as on our LRI Website. ALL forms are up to date.

Please discard your old Listing & Buyer/Tenant Packets and kindly use the NEW forms.

The FORMS section on our LRI website has been redesigned to make form finding easier than ever.

Fair Housing Business Cards
Once again there have been growing issues with discrimination.

We actually got hit with our first formal action via the OEO (Office Of Equal Opportunity) and RAPB. Luckily our agent was well documented (If It Is Not In Writing It Never Happened) and the case was dismissed months later.

FAR is reminding agents that you can have cards made up as seen below to help deflect or mitigate federal law violations.

Which Forms Do You Need?
Since NEW (updated) forms are now being used for Purchase & Sales, I updated our “Which forms Do You Need” if you are not sure which forms to use depending upon the type of transaction is going on.

So you can click HERE for a link to the new form or you can copy/paste this You do not need to start a DropBox account. This form is FREE to download.

Mike Ferry
Other than myself Mike Ferry is the only real estate instructor that knows what he is talking about, in my opinion.

As we enter a new year, you may want to check out and start to receive his tips on having a successful real estate career. You can join his FREE email program.

Click HERE or copy/paste this if you so choose.

You can also click HERE and/or copy this link for his previous episodes.

FREE Training
If you would like to brush up for next year on how to get listings and/or buyers, here is our FREE Training Form. Click HERE or copy/paste this

Just fill out the form and send it to me.

LRI Help Line
The only phone number for real estate questions is (561) 756-7002. That phone number should be the ONLY number in your cell if/when you need assistance.

LRI Administrative Questions
If you have an administrative question like are expecting a referral check, or you need a copy of your 1099, or you need a Closing Disclosure from a closed file, etc… then email the Office Manager at

MLS Compensation Field
When you are on the BUYING/TENANT side, be very careful of the compensation lines. It may look like you are getting a certain amount. LOOK CLOSER! There may be verbiage saying you are getting a certain percentage amount minus a certain dollar amount.
MLS Passwords
Do not share your password with others. Due to the influx of agents sharing their passwords, the penalties for doing so have sky rocketed from $500 to $15,000 for multiple offenses. It is a big no-no, so do not share your MLS password with anyone.

MLS Listings On/Off The MLS
MLS is well aware of agents taking a property off the MLS and putting it right back on the MLS to acquire a new (fresher) MLS number. This is a no-no and they are watching for this activity.

Take This Seriously. We Already LOST One Law Suit.
You cannot use photos that are found on the Internet like Google photos/images or off the county property appraiser’s website or any other place. The key item here is “ownership”.

Google owns everything you see under their photos/images, mapping programs, etc.

The county property appraisal website owns photos they have taken whether of the outside, inside, or even of a blueprint.

Ownership is the key. Who took the picture?
If you personally took the picture then you have ownership.

If anyone else took a picture, you must receive written and signed (written and signed) rights that the ownership to use the photograph has been transferred to you. Or you have written and signed permission to use the photograph before you actually use it.

This does not, not, not mean you have the right to give anyone else permission to a photograph that you do not personally have 100% control over. You may receive permission to use a photograph but not the permission to actually let someone else use it.

The above is critically important. Call the Help Line if you have any questions.

The Mark Lenson Mantras
Calling Associations:
Customers call Associations (Condos, Homeowners, or Cooperatives,) never the real estate agent.

It does not matter where the customer is living, it does not matter if the property is a foreclosure or a short sale. There are no exceptions. Customers and only customers call Associations.

Use Specific Dates:
When the P&S Contract refers to September 15, 2015, it is very clear. When a P&S Contract says something must be done within 20 days from the effective date… then not so clear.

What is the effective date? I have never found an agent who actually knew the definition of an effective date.
What days are included?
What days are excluded?
How are dates calculated? Using business days? Calendar days?
How are holidays handled? Which ones are included? Which ones are excluded? The P&S Contract references national legal holidays. Do you know which ones are the national legal holidays? That would be critically important to know.

If you use specific dates, then all of the unknown, all of the confusion, all of the calls I get that someone is out of contract will go away. You and all parties involved will have less headaches.

No Blanks, No Blanks, No Blanks:
No listing agreement, no purchase and sale contract, and no addenda should have any blanks in them.

When an agent leaves a blank on a document, it is unpleasant when another party fills it in with something not agreed upon by all parties. Now you have an argument between sellers and buyers because the agent left a blank in the document.
No blanks, no blanks, no blanks.

If It Is Not In Writing, It Never Happened:
It does not matter where you are, it does not matter who the witnesses are; in the transfer of real property, if it is not in writing then it never happened. It does not matter if you are talking over the telephone, it does not matter if you are talking nose to nose, it does not matter if you are talking into a plastic cup attached by a string……… if it is not in writing it never, never, never happened.

If something was agreed to verbally, then follow it up with an addendum, a text message or an email confirmation.


As always, call us on the Help Line (561) 756-7002 anytime.


If there is anything in particular you would like for me to review
either via the UPDATE or Brief Note, let me know.


Be Sure To Read Past
UPDATEs & Brief Notes
Posted On

Protect Yourself
“If It Is Not In WRITING, It Never Happened.”

Help Line (aka Life Line): (561) 756-7002

Warmest & Best Regards To You,

Mark Lenson

Confidentiality Notice: UPDATES ARE COPYRIGHTED and the property of Lenson Realty, Inc. The information in the UPDATE is proprietary and confidential. The above information belongs solely to  Lenson Realty Inc. and may be disseminated to Lenson Realty, Inc. agents only. The UPDATE is not to be shared with anyone other than a Lenson Realty, Inc. Agent without the written permission from the Broker/Owner. If you are not a recipient as indicated above you may not use or copy or deliver this message to anyone else. In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply.
<< Be sure to read the entire UPDATE. Items are not in any particular order. >>
Lenson Realty, Inc.