Lenson Realty, Inc.


More people trust home selling and buying to independently owned and operated companies like Lenson Realty, Inc. than anyone else.

Give us a call for a uniquely professional, hands-on, real estate experience with a company that emphasizes integrity and professional service.

Years Of Experience

Lenson Realty, Inc. is an independently owned and operated Real Estate Brokerage Firm with 115+ agents covering five counties from Orlando to Miami.

We presently close 2.6 properties a day, have our own referral/relocation companies as well as a title company run by a bilingual attorney.

Read what we do

Become An Agent

Be a TRUE Independent Contractor.  Put the money you earn into your pocket for doing the exact same work you are doing now!

Become a Lenson Realty, Inc. agent today!

Find out how


Get FREE Professional Advice

Get professional advice from real estate leaders who care about you.

Enter your information and we’ll have one of our TOP agents call you shortly!  All information is held in the strictest of confidence and never sold.


    Above & beyond

    Agents do not have stifling dictates from above limiting the service the agents can or cannot provide for their customers. The agents love their freedom, flexibility with their customers and high commission splits. This all directly benefits the Lenson Realty, Inc. customer.

    We ensure that our customers who buy, sell, and rent receive the highest degree of service, commitment, excellence, integrity and satisfaction from us. We ensure that our agents are of the highest caliber and are excellently trained to represent not only our clients, but Lenson Realty, Inc. as well.

    We get what you need

    We offer real estate agents the opportunity to be real independent contractors while offering them the highest level of support, training, and experience.

    So if its price price price you’re looking at, our agent can focus on it and not worry about perfect amenities or other minor details, however, it the seller is not negotiable on price and that’s not your main focus, your agent can work on getting a lot more for your money.


    We provide the most professional and informative communication for all parties involved, with skilled analysis and sound real estate advice, wether its on the phone, email or in person.

    Good solid communication contributes to a large part of a successful problem free sale or purchase of your home.

    Even more quality